Sports. When it comes down to it, I am a purist by nature. I am also very blunt and honest. This is where you get to see an old school fan's opinions on the way things are today, in an unashamed, honest format. But hey, I don't like talking to myself so I want your thoughts on all this stuff as well

Friday, October 21, 2005

Where are the heroes?

Ok there are so many things that have happened this week that I COULD write about...Officials screwing Notre Dame out of a victory over the number 1 team in the nation...two teams finally fulfillims the dreasm of their longsuffering fams and making it to the World Series...but one thing that REALLY set my teeth on edge was the story about the Minnesota Vikings.

There are reports that a few members of the team that rented a boat for a little party. Now that I do not have a problem with. Nothing is better for team unity than having times of fun and fellowship. What I have a problem with, is what was said next. Reports from the company that rented the boat to the team said that there was rampant drinking, strippers and public sexual acts. That's right...PUBLIC sexual acts. People were openly giving and receiving sexual favors.

Now its situations like this that indicate the extreme lack of moral responsibility in sports today. Athletes are basically going out and doing everything short of murdering people (oh wait, scratch that, they do that too) and people are practically falling over themselves. Athletes need to own up to the fact that they are ROLE MODELS...setting an example for the children that watch them each Sunday and Monday night. What happened to moments like that classic Coca-Cola commercial where "Mean" Joe Greene tosses his jersey to the fan. Players need to not only take personal responsibility for their actions, but everyone involved should pay dearly for their actions. They need to see the consequences of what they have done.


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